Mobiler Gesundheits-
CheckMobile Health Check
Persönliche Anbindung an
das Soziale NetzwerkPersonal Connected Network
Intelligente häusliche
UnterstützungSmart Home Care
ServiceTelemedical Service

On Track!
We proudly presented our first product at the CEBIT in Hannover and at the WT in San Francisco:
a Wearable designed to detect and prevent heart issues.
After experiencing the rush on our booth at the trade shows, we would like to thank all visitors
for their interest and positive feedbacks we received. Particularly, we were overwhelmed about
the participation and creativity in our competition “name me and win” ,whose winner will be
announced at MEDICA this November.
We observed that Digital Health, Wearables, Ambient Assisted Living and Telemedicine generate
significant attention. These topics are not only discussed among the key players of the Health
Industry and Health Policy but it also has become a major subject for the general population.
Explore the challenges and the possibilities of this field with us! Get to know us personally on
the upcoming shows and conferences and experience our solutions live.
Connected Health is the focus of our next presentations where we will introduce our next
innovative solution. For this event, we selected the leading international Health Industry fair
MEDICA in Düsseldorf in November and at the largest Consumer Electronics Show CES in January in
Las Vegas. Visit us and have the opportunity to experience our innovations yourself.
In case you can't wait to know more about us and our spirit, we invite you to take a tour of our
website. And in our Blog, we prepared further interesting information.
Hannover - Germany
11. bis 15. Juni 2018
Hall 27, Stand C37/4 -
San Francisco - USA
11. bis 12. Juli 2018 -
Düsseldorf - Germany
12. bis 15. November 2018 -
Las Vegas - USA
8. bis 11. Januar 2019 -
Arab Health - Dubai
28. bis 31. Januar 2020 -
Ageing Asia - Singapore
22. bis 26. Mai 2023

MEDICA Düsseldorf
November, 12th to 15th 2018
Next November already, we are presenting our latest innovations regarding Connected Health, Ambient Assisted Living, and Telemedicine at the MEDICA in Düsseldorf .
As the leading international trade fair for the medical sector, MEDICA inspires professionals from all around the world with the latest achievements and solutions of the Health Industry.
Doctors and medical professionals will also have access to the show during the MEDICA ACADEMY conference.
Come and visit us to learn more about our solutions and the potential of the e-Health. You will find us in Hall 15 at two locations A23 and A45. With us, feel the bit of Digital Health.

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas
8th to 11th of January 2019
We are proud to present our innovative technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. CES is the world's most popular consumer electronics trade show and a hotspot for the industry's experts to showcase their latest and most innovative inventions and products.
Since its first release in 1967, CES has been an event that shapes the trends for the electronic industry and the consumer high-tech market. The CES takes place in one of the most popular exhibition venues in the United States - the Las Vegas Convention Center.

CEBIT Hannover
Juni 24th to 28th 2019
We welcomed you to the international Technology Show CEBIT in Hannover. It was great to celebrate our product premiere at the CEBIT this year. Enthusiasm, originality, passion for details and hard teamwork made our project successful.
WThrough an innovative Wearable we started this path and today we are working on the Digital Health solutions that will follow.
Visit us at the following trade fairs and have the chance to know us personally, understanding our mission for the future of healthcare. Don´t miss a bit!

WT Wearable Technologies San Francisco
Summer 2019
The Silicon Valley in San Francisco is considered one of the world´s most exciting hi-tech industry locations and home of the most well-known technology companies where countless ground breaking innovations were born and success stories are lived.
The chance of wearing technology on our body enables us to integrate medical devices into our everyday life and it is a step forward to personalized health.
WT is the world's leading innovation and market development platform for portable-, wearable- and implantable technologies. These technologies are playing a major role for our future in Preventive Medicine and also in Telemedicine. This year we enjoyed the profound discussions and feedbacks from our visitors and we are looking forward to catching up in 2019.